Pharo 8 - Iceberg Commits

I’m currently trying to understand how to commit code using Iceberg (programatically, the UI is fine).

The starting point for me is:

IceTipCommitBrowser>>doCommit: aCollection message: aString pushing: aBoolean
	self model
			(IceTipCommitAction new
				diff: self model workingCopyDiff;
				items: aCollection;
				message: aString;
		then: [ self verifyNeedsRefreshOrClose.
				ifTrue: [ (IceTipPushAction new repository: self model entity) execute ] ]

This is the method called when pressing the Commit button in the UI commit dialog.

aCollection is a Set of IceNodes, all the nodes that are selected in the diff dialog. The value of the node is an IceOperation. Those that are modified will have a value of IceModification, those unchanged will have IceNoModification, etc.

aString is the commit message.

aBoolean flags whether to push the changes to the remote branch.

The model is an IceTipCachedModel on a IceTipRepositoryModel.

Categories: Pharo   Iceberg   Pharo8
Written on December 20, 2019